Environmental Protection

Wanfeng always adheres to the business philosophy of "Credible Wanfeng, Digital Wanfeng, Green Wanfeng", pays full attention to social impact and social benefits, implements clean production, and ensures that production activities meet the requirements of environmental management and reduce the impact on the environment. The environmental policy formulated by the company is: focus on energy saving and waste reduction, create a green environment, and build a happy home. we will:

• Comply with the laws, regulations and standards of the country (region) where we operate, and conduct business in compliance with laws and regulations.

• Formulate objectives, plans, and implement measures for emissions, waste management, energy and water resources use to reduce adverse effects on the environment.

• Establish an effective information communication and consultation mechanism with internal and external stakeholders of the company.

• Continuously improve, actively disclose environmental performance, and welcome supervision by investors and the general public.

In order to achieve the above objectives, we will adopt the following policies:

• Based on the company's business context, set staged goals for environmental protection.

• Save and efficiently use energy and other natural resources, and give priority to the use of production processes and raw materials that have little impact on the environment. Encourage technological innovation and process improvement at all operating units, introduce advanced and effective measures to reduce wastewater, waste gas and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as solid waste generation, and achieve source reduction, intermediate control, and end treatment.

• Strengthen water resources management, adopt effective water-saving measures, improve water resource utilization and reuse rates, and ensure sustainable water resources management.

• Plan land use, minimize land disturbances, and effectively manage land resources.

• Continue to improve the company's environmental management system, gradually implement the internationally accepted ISO14001 environmental management system certification, and encourage our partners and suppliers to implement effective environmental management systems and industry best management practices.

• Actively communicate and extensively cooperate with external stakeholders such as universities, scientific research institutions, and domestic and foreign industry organizations on environmental issues to jointly promote the company's sustainable development.

• Regularly provide employees with environmental protection training, and implement an environmental protection responsibility system to clarify responsibilities at all levels of the company.

• Gradually implement internal and external environmental audits, covering: compliance with laws and regulations, pollutant emission reduction, environmental management system improvement, energy conservation and consumption reduction, and water resources use. Continuously improve the level of public disclosure of the company's environmental performance and welcome the supervision of investors and the general public.

• Regularly review the compliance of our policies with the needs of the countries (regions) and local communities in which we operate, and continuously improve our performance to ensure effective policy implementation.

• Gradually incorporate the performance of energy conservation, water conservation, and reduction of pollutant emissions into the supplier selection criteria, encourage and support suppliers to establish effective environmental management systems and formulate performance improvement plans, and jointly implement the green value chain progress based on industry best practices.

• Regularly review the impact of climate change on the company and take appropriate response actions.

Attachment:Wanfeng’s Statement on Climate Change 

Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety management is an integral part of Wanfeng's operations. We actively practice the responsibilities and missions "Safe Wanfeng", moving towards the goal of "becoming the world's best company exemplifying safety, environment, and occupational health". The company fully implements the safety and environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system, and formulates the safety policy of “safety first, prevention focus, and comprehensive management” to continuously improve the company's occupational health and safety management performance. We expect every employee, supplier and partner to abide by the following policies to help us achieve our goals:

• Ensure that a safe and healthy environment is provided to prevent diseases and work-related injuries;

• Continuously improve the level of occupational health and safety management;

• Eliminate hazards and reduce occupational health and safety risks;

• Comply with the policies and regulations issued by the company on occupational health and safety management matters;

• Formulate and review occupational health and safety management goals;

• Prepare supporting documents and implementation mechanisms for the "Occupational Health and Safety Management System", and maintain the system to operate well and meet the requirements of ISO 45001;

• Continuously improve the occupational health and safety management system to prevent injuries and health damage to staff;

• Continuously check and improve the management system to ensure that the system operation meets the needs of the work;

• Establish a positive occupational safety and health culture and formulate procedures for employee consultation and participation;

• Provide necessary information, guidance and training on occupational health and safety to ensure that all employees can handle their jobs safely and competently;

• Select qualified suppliers and monitor their compliance with occupational health and safety standards;

• Effectively communicate information to suppliers and partners to help them realize their responsibilities for occupational health and safety.